How many times can you file a consumer proposal?
A consumer proposal is a great way of reducing your debt by up to 80%, and is the chosen form of debt relief for many […]
For many Canadians, consumer proposal are an excellent way to reduce your debts while keeping your assets. To find out more about consumer proposals, how to file a consumer proposal, and their benefits against bankruptcy, explore our consumer proposal content. Book a free consultation with one of our trustees to see how you too can file a consumer proposal.
A consumer proposal is a great way of reducing your debt by up to 80%, and is the chosen form of debt relief for many […]
If you have discovered this article, you may well be considering filing a consumer proposal in Ontario. You are certainly not alone – in Q1
When it comes to gaining debt relief in Canada, there are two common solutions you will come across – bankruptcy and consumer proposals. Although both
Consumer proposal vs bankruptcy – what is the difference? More
When debt begins to pile up and interest payments become too much, what are your options for debt relief? Do you want to consolidate credit
What is the difference between consumer proposal and debt consolidation? More
There is nothing worse than struggling with overwhelming debt and not knowing what to do next. It is all too easy to spiral into owing
If you are seeking debt relief, there are a number of different methods for repaying debt, reducing debt, and even starting afresh. For some, debt
To get the debt help that you need, please bring a list of who you owe and how much to each, a list of everything you own and your monthly household budget. Don’t have everything right away? Don’t worry – We will guide you through each step.
Download FormWe’ll walk you through our application process. But, if you want to prepare for your debt free assessment consultation in advance, download our information form and fill in what you can.
Download FormHow can you compare your debt repayment options if you don’t know how much they will cost you? Your solution will become much clearer when you are able to compare costs.
Debt CalculatorIf you’re ready to be debt free, it’s time to meet with one of our knowledgeable Licensed Insolvency Trustees at your convenience and get started
Meet with a trustee